Daily Thoughts

 Being an eldest daughter feels like being a mop, stressball, therapist and overall selfless thing before your a child.

Somedays you just need to go but you can't go because your the eldest daughter and everyone sees you as 36 when your 16.

Barely slept. Need a friend. Parent's be acting like a taxi for the other one while you can't even go for a walk.

Today is going to be shit. All because someone kept throwing up. 

I don't even know why I'm crying. I don't even care. 

I can't even distract myself. 

I can't wait for Monday! Yeah, cos then I'll atleast be the only person in my life for a few hours.

But everything's happy happy because he's getting better.

Also, vomit sounds are a trigger for me. 

Also decided that I don't want romance because I am not a nurse and I refuse to clean up someone's mess.

I'd take the toxic people back as atleast I can turn them into a punching bag.
